Founded in 2004, Bach With Verse is a non-profit organization bringing music and laughter to those who need it most around the world.
Featuring world-renowned double bassist Richard “Dobbs” Hartshorne, BWV has brought live concerts to schools, prisons, rehab centers and refugee camps in Afghanistan, Bolivia, Iraq, Palestine, Uganda and the U.S.
New From Bach With Verse
this was a monumental project: recording, editing, mastering 41 stories from my entire career. All these stories with music were written by me to perform live with my bass, Sometimes with another instrument played by me simultaneousIy, sometimes with a back up CD recorded by me. I have performed many of them around the world in over a thousand concerts and in 19 different languages which I can pronounce without actually being able to speak. In the US I have told them in hundreds of jails and prisons. Here they are for hours of fun!